"If the book's not worth reading at 60, its not worth reading at 6." CS Lewis
The House on Hummingbird Island
Published by Macmillan Children's Books
‘We’re going to a fine place,’ Idie told Homer to console him, ‘with gullies and monkeys and hummingbirds.’
Idie Grace is twelve when she inherits a grand old house on a Caribbean island, and is sent away from grey old England to a place where hummingbirds hover and monkeys clamber from tree to tree.
As a lady of property Idie can do as she pleases, so she fills the house with exotic animals, keeps her beloved horse in the hallway, and carries a grumpy, talking cockatoo called Homer on her shoulder. But the island house holds as many secrets as it does animals, and the truth behind Idie’s inheritance is the biggest secret of all . . .
The House on Hummingbird Island was shortlisted for the Cheshire Schools’ Book Award 2017, the Calderdale Children’s Book Award 2017 and The Young Quills 2017.
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[Sofia Stalbow for The KRiB]
“I would rate The House On Hummingbird Island as a 5 star book … This must be one of the best books I’ve read and I know others will enjoy it too . This book is an unusual book because into many books feature a girl sent away to live on a tropical island with all sorts of wild animals around the house. I loved the way Idie’s house is slowly transformed into a jungle in the same way she is too … I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys books full of secrets, adventure and absurdity all in one.”
“Angus is an absolutely genius writer and I loved the character Idie Grace. She is very wild and has a love for animals, she reminds me slightly of myself.” [Jenna Welch, 11, Lovereading4kids]
“I loved this book because it is such an exciting and enchanting story. I couldn’t put it down! I adored it.”
‘I found it very exciting. I felt extremely involved with the characters and I found it very difficult to put the book down because I was worried about what would happen to them.’ [Tariq Mustafa, 10, Lovereading4kids]
“I loved this book; it was packed with adventure, suspense and excitement! You never know what’s going to happen next, which just makes you want to read more!” [Miranda Beinart-Smith, age 10 , Lovereading4kids.co.uk]
‘Read it in a day! I loved this unusual tale.” [Emily Lonsdale, 10, Lovereading4kids.com]
“This is the kind of book I hope my kids will grow up wanting to read. The story gives you a sense of another time and place, a life different from now, with the challenges and prejudices typical of that era. It exposes the reader to racism, the class system and attitudes towards mental illness and children born outside of marriage. And it’s all seamlessly woven into the adventure of a 12-year-old girl who moves halfway around the world with just her inebriated governess for guidance.” [Readingtime.com.au]
“Sam Angus has the enviable knack of being able to transport her young readers to a different age with different rules while still engaging with contemporary ideas and themes. Her story is filled with stirring wartime deeds and a sense of adventure and discovery that has instant appeal for the younger generation. An exciting and warmhearted story packed with real history, wonderful characters and amazing creatures!” [Lancashire Evening Post]

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